January Program: Research in the Northeastern United States

Our January 20 program begins at 6:30 pm. Visitors (not LCGS members) need to register below to receive the Zoom info and handout.

President Glenn York provides a brief overview of our society with the latest committee reports followed by tonight’s program.

Program Information
The topic for the January monthly meeting will be “Research in the Northeastern United States.”

Speaker Profile

Mark Rabideau has more than 20 years’ experience researching genealogy.  His areas of expertise include European Mennonite and Amish communities, French-speaking Quebec, Canada, upstate New  York and Vermont, plus southeastern Iowa.  He is the author of hundreds of genealogy articles and is a frequent speaker to genealogy organizations on the Front Range.


Mark Rabideau

Reminder: Visitors are welcome and can register below to receive the Zoom info and handout!

Be sure to use our Thursday afternoon (except holiday weeks) genealogy help session from 1 to 3 pm at the Fort Collins Downtown Library. Members or visitors: please send an email to [email protected] with your request, and if for an ancestor, please send your family tree info from Ancestry, MyHeritage or a family tree image from your genealogy software.

For more genealogy tips: please visit and ‘Like’ us on our Facebook page .

Please Register below for the class, Below!

Thank you for visiting our website!


Registration is closed for this event.